Chiropractic Testimonials
What was your problem before you came in?
Consistent neck and back pain from previous injuries.
What improvement have you noticed?
Increased range of movement and great decrease in pain.
What do you like about Precision Chiropractic services?
Joshua is a personal friend and has gone above and beyond in caring for me.
– Joshua Yates
What was your problem before you came in?
Lower back pain.
What improvement have you noticed?
Since my visit, I had relief from lower back pain.
What do you like about Precision Chiropractic services?
The quick response for a consultation and getting an appointment scheduled.
– Andrew Beise
What was your problem before you came in?
Low back pain and upper back pain.
What improvement have you noticed?
Better mobility through chiropractic care. Weight loss and ability to exercise has improved.
What do you like about Precision Chiropractic services?
Dr. Burnham takes the time to walk you through your needs and addresses them. Also to provide extra stretching exercises as well as incorporating therapy of muscles to increase healing to that area.
– Jason Cooley
What was your problem before you came in?
Loss of strength in upper back pain and muscle spasms between shoulders, consistent migraine headaches.
What improvement have you noticed?
Increased strength and increased stamina reduced pain and increased range of motion. Greatly reduced headaches.
What do you like about Precision Chiropractic services?
Convenient location in town with calculated and precise care.
– David Strand
What was your problem before you came in?
I had a sharp pain in my left ankle whenever I tried to go jogging to the point I had to stop running. I had the pain for several weeks.
What improvement have you noticed?
After seeing Dr. Burnham the adjustments he made and stretching he showed me resolved the issue instantly. I was immediately able to resume my running routine with no problems since.
What do you like about Precision Chiropractic services?
I like Dr. Burnham’s desire to really help his patients and that he is willing to cater the treatment to fit the patients needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach or just making adjustments that will only relieve some symptoms temporarily.
– Ryan Jacobson
What was your problem before you came in?
I was having terrible hip pain that made it very difficult to sleep at night and also made it hard to walk.
What improvement have you noticed?
I no longer have hip pain whatsoever! I can get a full night’s sleep without waking up once!
What do you like about Precision Chiropractic services?
I like that the Doctor is very thorough in creating a game plan to help me get better.